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Is CPLOne a Scam? 

Is CPLOne, as it claims to be, an “all-in-one advertising platform?” Their business model seems simple enough. Customers set up their own advertising platform and their banners will supposedly appear on high-traffic websites sponsored by CPLOne. However, actual clients tell a different story and say their money was taken, no banners appeared, and there was no advertising platform. 

Is CPLOne a Scam or Legit?

It seems that CPLOne is a new version of a previous scam with the same business model called Click2Sell. It also claimed to offer clients an opportunity to advertise on websites, but instead, they took their money. It is important to investigate these types of platforms or brokers before entrusting money to them. By looking carefully, it is clear that CPLOne is linked to Click2Sell and is just a new mask on an old scam. 

Here are some problems we have discovered from our research on CPLOne and reviews:  

  • No visibility into who is behind CPLOne
  • Many customer complaints
  • Linked to former scam Click2Sell
  • Huge guarantees of returns

ReportScamOnline has looked carefully at CPLOne and determined that it is not reliable. Do not give money to this service. If you have lost money to CPLOne, consult with our professionals and provide details about your case. ReportScamOnline has a track record of successful fund recovery and will help you retrieve your funds. 

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